What Rich Red roses create, no other can!! To supplement your wishes, send this heartfelt collection of Rich red roses and spray roses that are offset by burgundy mini carnations, variegated holly stems, and assorted holiday greens. This pretty red arrangement is showing warmth, affection, and sentiments that are pure. This, arranged in a clear glass gold banded vase makes the festival even more special and memorable for the receiver and sender both. (Please Note That We Reserve the Right to Substitute any Product with a Suitable Product of Equal Value in Case of Non-Availability of a Certain Product)
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Time chosen above is treated as a preference/request and is not a fixed time for delivery". We only guarantee delivery on a "Specified Date" and not within a specified "Time Frame
If the occasion is on 17th July then select 16th July as the date of delivery. We will deliver the product on 16th July - Night between 11 PM - 12:30 AM
* All our customers are requested to note that the "Time chosen above is treated as a preference/request and is not a fixed time for delivery". We only guarantee delivery on a "Specified Date" and not within a specified "Time Frame".
* In order to add the Add-On products to your shopping cart with the product shown above, click on the empty box shown below the add-on product that you wish to add and press "Order Now" button above.